If you’re bothered by your double chin – you’re not alone!

Studies show up to 70% of people dislike their double chin as they feel it makes them look heavier or older than they actually are.

Belkyra - Before Treatment
Before Treatment
Belkyra - After 5 Treatments
After 5 Belkyra Treatments

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes a double chin?

The medical name for a double chin is “submental fullness”.

A double chin can be caused by fat under your skin, fat under your neck muscles, or saggy skin.

Sometimes other factors, such as an undersized chin, large muscles, or a low-lying ‘hyoid’ bone in your neck can contribute to the appearance of your double chin.

Can I have a double chin without being overweight?

Absolutely, yes. Although we associate a double chin with being overweight, some thin people are genetically programmed to have a small pocket of fat under their chin that won’t disappear, no matter how healthy their diet or exercise habits. It often runs in families.

Can I treat my double chin without surgery?

Certainly! There are lots of ways to help your double chin without surgery.

Options include:

  • Fat-busting injections like Belkyra
  • Dermal filler to your cheeks and chin to tighten your jowls
  • Relaxing downwards pulling muscles
  • Machines that reduce fat by heating or freezing it
After - individual results may vary

Dermal filler to this 47-year-old lady’s cheeks, jawline and chin has given her improved chin projection and tightened her jawline. She has had no other treatment.

How can Belkyra fat-dissolving injections help my double chin?

When the main problem with a double chin is due to fat sitting under the skin, Belkyra can help.

It’s an injectable fat-dissolving treatment that reduces fat and contours your jawline. It’s a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, identical to your own bile, which is released by your liver to digest a fatty meal.

A course of 2-6 Belkyra treatments over four to twelve months can gradually reduce you double chin while you go about your daily activities. No surgery is required.

Belkyra - Before Treatment
Before Treatment
Belkyra - After 5 Treatments
After 5 Belkyra Treatments

How can filler help my jawline?

Dermal filler in your cheeks, jawline and chin can subtly pull up some of the slack skin under your chin.

It’s a double bonus treatment, as you get an improved jawline along with a better contour to your cheeks and chin in a quick 60-minute appointment, without the need for any surgery.

After - individual results may vary

Dermal filler to this lady’s cheeks, jawline and chin has improved her jawline and tightened her jowls and loose skin under her chin.

After - individual results may vary

I used Juvederm to treat this lady’s cheek, jawline, chin, lips and smile lines. I placed a generous amount at her jaw angle and in front of her ear to reconstruct this area. The filler has stretched out her loose skin and given her a beautiful clean jawline.

After - individual results may vary

Enhancing this lady’s chin with two syringes of Juvederm Ultraplus has pulled loose jowl skin and fat forwards, giving her a better-defined jawline and subtly reducing her jowls.